It's likely that you've come to this web page because you recently received a copy of Matthew Kelly's book Holy Moments from us, so if this is your first time here, welcome!
Jesus Christ came into our world so that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). He suffered and died on the cross to free us from the works of sin and evil, and he rose from the dead and established his Church to continue his saving work in all times and places. With the help of his grace, we live abundantly in this life by creating holy moments and growing in virtue - or by becoming "the-best-version-of-ourselves," as Matthew Kelly succinctly puts it - so that ultimately we may live the full abundance of eternal life in the future.
The parish churches of St. Catherine of Alexandria, McConchie, and St. Ignatius of Loyola, Hilltop, continue this saving work of Jesus Christ in our little corner of Charles County, Maryland. I encourage you to explore our website and our presences on social media to learn more about how we do this, and more importantly, I encourage you to come and join us in person for worship, service, and community as together we create holy moments in our local area. Furthermore, I wholeheartedly encourage you to reach out to me personally so that I can help you create more and more holy moments in your own life.
May God bless you and those you love!
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Keith Burney